Aloe vera has been shown to be a compound that may help neutralise HIV by transforming the protein envelope, so it cannot invade human cells. This could help stop the virus from multiplying in the body and thereby helps to keep the immune system stronger. Aloe also helps the absorption of vitamins and other minerals and nutrients. Additionally, it lines the abdominal cavity and has been shown to reduce abdominal pains commonly associated with HIV patients.
Currently, more and more research is being conducted into the complimentary treatment of HIV/AIDS sufferers. Carrington laboratories have shown that the glycol-nutrients contained in Aloe stimulate phagocytosis – where the cell can break down invading organisms and enhances antiviral activity of the HIV to produce a defective virus. Previously mentioned Aloe Vera contains, Beta-carotene, Vitamins C, E, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, Pyroxidien, Choline, and Thiamine – These vitamins are all vital to keep up the immunity of the HIV patient.